
Peter LiFari

Peter F. LiFari is the Chief Executive Officer of Maiker Housing Partners, a socially conscious public housing authority, owner, operator and developer of multifamily affordable housing based in Adams County, Colorado. In his role as CEO, LiFari leads a passionate team committed to ending the cycle of generational poverty by providing individuals and families with access to affordable housing, support programs and by engaging in community development. LiFari is a compassionate visionary whose leadership style is grounded in treating individuals with empathy, warmth and grace. 

Beyond his work with Maiker Housing Partners, LiFari is currently using his expertise to provide strategic guidance to Rocky Mountain Partnership, a collective impact model, as Co-Chair of their Steering Committee. Additionally, he was appointed by the Governor of Colorado to serve on the inaugural Colorado Statewide Middle Income Housing Authority Board and was recently appointed Vice Chair. LiFari is the recipient of the 2023 NAHRO Outstanding Professional of The Year Award, and past Chair of the National NAHRO Community Revitalization and Development Committee. LiFari is the current 2023 Housing Fellow and past Terry J. Stevenson Fellow at the Common Sense Institute and is frequently invited to showcase his expertise in affordable housing through local and national speaking engagements including panel discussions and podcasts.  

LiFari is a graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art. He earned his MFA from Queens College and his MBA from the Florida Institute of Technology.

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About the Terry J. Stevinson Fellowhsip
Colorado ranks in the top 10 most expensive places to live and while there are many factors that contribute to the rank, housing is one of the most significant. If people can’t afford to live here, economic development will suffer, jobs will suffer, families will suffer, and our economy will stagnate. 

The focus of the fellowship is an issue that impacts every single Coloradan – housing affordability. The fellow will continue to develop original research and analysis to fulfill CSI’s mission of delivering facts and data to the policy challenges facing our state.  The Fellowship is a yearlong commitment and focuses on a number of research topics impacting housing

About the Housing Fellowship
Colorado ranks in the top 10 most expensive places to live and while there are many factors that contribute to the rank, housing is one of the most significant. If people can’t afford to live here, economic development will suffer, jobs will suffer, families will suffer, and our economy will stagnate. 

The focus of the fellowship is an issue that impacts every single Coloradan – housing affordability. The fellow will continue to develop original research and analysis to fulfill CSI’s mission of delivering facts and data to the policy challenges facing our state.  The Fellowship is a yearlong commitment and focuses on a number of research topics impacting housing